Downloading Data

After logging in, you would go to your Data tab.

You will see the following screen

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Click in ‘Choose a Form’ and select your Form

The list will default to the latest form version. In this case version 28, but bear in mind that there could be data in other previous versions.

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Next choose a date range.

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At the bottom right of the screen you will see how many data entries you have for that period.

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You can make sure you are viewing all of these on the bottom left side by choosing more entries.

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Back to the top and click this top tick box. This selects all our entries.

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Over to the top right and click ‘Manage Data’

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You will see this screen

Download Data

Now just choose from the options on the left and click Download for the chosen option.

NOTE: Choosing Bulk PDF or MS Word you will have the option to choose from your own previously created Templates for that specific form.

(Learn more about Templates here)

After hitting Download, the action will do the work in the background and you can keep track of when the file is ready to download by checking the notification icon in the top right.

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The number indicates how many messages there are. These will consist of more things than just a download notifier.

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When our icon number turns green then our file is ready. Click to show the list and choose your item. The file will start to download in your browser.