We have found that the Android Operating System sometimes kills running apps for several reasons.
One such reason is Android trying to preserve battery power. Android looks at what background processes are using high amounts of battery power and kills them if they are not used.
To help with confirming if battery preservation is the cause of the issue you’re experiencing, kindly disable Battery Optimization for the app by following the below steps.
Once you’ve disabled battery optimisation, kindly try replicating the issue again, and let us know if it helped?
Disable Battery Optimisations
- Navigate to settings on your device and select “Apps”.
- On the apps page, navigate to the FormsFly app or your White Label App, and click on it. You will now see the App Info screen. Now click on the Battery option.
- Here you will be presented with three options. Initially, Optimised will be the currently selected option, but we want to change this to Unrestricted.

Hopefully, this will prevent Android from killing the app while it is still in use.
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