Sometimes you may want your field’s Title or Hint text to dynamically include a value from a previous field. This is useful in cases where the answer to one question sets the context for the fields that follow.
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Dynamic Answers and Calculations
Often you may need to display some text or calculate a value in a dynamic fashion. For example, you may want to show different text in a field based on what the user has previously answered. Or maybe you have a product order Form that should calculate the total amount to pay.
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Showing and Hiding Questions
There are many situations where you may want to show/hide questions (or even whole pages) based on the answer to a previous question.
For example say we have a Choices question that asks “Do you see any hazards?”, with the options of Yes or No.
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Dynamic Question Features
The Form Designer provides advanced features for your questions and answers, such as default values, hiding/showing questions conditionally, calculated answers and more.
Custom Invalid Messages
Your own message to display to the App User if the answer to the question is invalid.
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