Your Word and Excel templates for FormsFly can evaluate formulae just like the ones you would use in your Forms. This allows you to hide or show things dynamically in your output, and also to include calculations etc.
You can read all about what a formula is and how to create them in the Form Screens documentation.
Being able to use a formula on your data output unlocks powerful options to dynamically generate output inside your templates.
For Excel templates, you can even show and hide rows based on a formula’s result.
To use a formula in your template, use the special placeholder syntax to enclose your formula expression:
{{( put your formula here )}}
For example:
{{(concat(‘Hello ‘, {{nameofperson}}, ‘!’))}}
which produces: “Hello John!” (assuming the nameofperson answer was John)
Note that you can include the answers for form fields into the formula by using your normal {{ }} placeholder syntax.
This is exactly as you would do in the Form Designer when creating a formula there.
Dynamically Hiding Rows in Excel Templates
If you have rows that should only be shown when a specific answer value is given, you’re in luck 🙂
Use the special HIDEROWIF placeholder to dynamically show/hide a given row:
{{!HIDEROWIF( put a formula that evaluates to True/False here )}}
For example:
{{!HIDEROWIF( string-length({{chosenproduct}}) = 0 )}}
which will hide the row if the chosenproduct answer is empty or not set.
This kind of formula is handy if you only want to show output if an answer is given.
Note that you can also use the HIDEROWIF placeholder inside a REPEATSTART section in Excel.
For example:
{{HIDEROWIF( {{selectedanswer}} = ‘Y’ )}}