With Docs you can replace the manuals, specs and other paper that your workers carry around in the field.
Anytime you want to update a Doc, our publishing process automatically takes care of distributing the changes out to app users in the field.
To view your existing Docs
Click Docs on the top menu. You can edit any of the items listed by rolling over the row and clicking the “edit details” option.
Our system uses a simple versioning and publishing approach to manage your Docs. This means that after creating a new Doc, you need to Publish the Doc to make the Doc eligible for inclusion in a Folder. Remember that Folder are how you distribute your Forms and Docs to your mobile users.
Looking around the Edit screen, on the left you will see the same fields from the Add New screen.
These fields work the same way as in the new Doc screen, with the exception of the Code field which will be locked after the first time you publish the Doc.
When you are looking at a Published or Archived Doc, these fields will not be editable.
New Version
To make changes to the Doc you should use the New Version button to create a new draft version of the Doc.
On the right you will see publishing options, status information and a version history.
The Publish button will change your Doc to a Published status and will make your Doc available to app users (provided the Doc is already in a Folder).
The Lock button allows you to lock the Doc for editing only by yourself. All other web users will be able to view the Doc but will not be able to edit the Doc until you Unlock it. This is useful if you want to control the release of a Doc file.
The Delete option only shows for Docs that are in Draft status. Once you hit the Publish button, you will notice that the Delete button is replaced by an Archive button. You cannot delete a Doc once it is published, you can only archive it (which removes the Doc from all app users).
Once you Publish a Doc, you will notice that you that a New Version button appears. This allows you to create a new version of a Doc and make changes to that version. The Published version remains available to app users and is only replaced once you publish your new version.
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