LAT(locationval) |
Latitude |
Returns the latitude in decimal degrees of the given Location field value |
LON(locationval) |
Longitude |
Returns the longitude in decimal degrees of the given Location field value |
HEADING(locationval) |
Heading |
Returns the heading against true north in decimal degrees of the given location value |
ALTITUDE(locationval) |
Altitude |
Returns the altitude above/below sea level in metres of the given location value |
ACCURACY(locationval) |
Accuracy |
Returns the accuracy in metres of the given location value |
STREETNUM(locationval) |
Street Number |
Returns the street number for the given location value. Matches ‘sub_thoroughfare’ on OASIS Specification. |
STREET(locationval) |
Street Name |
Returns the street name for the given location value. Matches ‘thoroughfare’ on OASIS Specification. |
CITY(locationval) |
City / Locality |
Returns the city / locality name for the given location value. Matches ‘locality’ on OASIS Specification. |
COUNTY(locationval) |
County / District |
Returns the county / district area for the given location value. Mainly USA specific. Matches ‘sub_admin_area’ on OASIS Specification |
STATE(locationval) |
State / Province |
Returns the state / province for the given location value. Matches ‘admin_area’ on OASIS Specification. |
POSTCODE(locationval) |
Postal / Zip Code |
Returns the postal / zip code of the given location value. Matches ‘postal_code’ on OASIS Specification |
COUNTRY(locationval) |
Country Code |
Returns the ISO country code of the given location value. Matches ‘country’ on OASIS Specification. |
MIBETWEEN(startPoint, endPoint) |
Miles Between |
Finds the miles between two geo-points, using great-circle math. Geo-points are strings in ‘lat lon’ format, Location field answers are also geo-points. e.g. MIBETWEEN(‘-8.45234 27.7623423’, {{myGpsField}}) |
KMBETWEEN(startPoint, endPoint) |
Kilometres Between |
Finds the kilometers between two geo-points, using great-circle math. Geo-points are strings in ‘lat lon’ format, Location field answers are also geo-points. e.g. KMBETWEEN(‘-8.45234 27.7623423’, {{myGpsField}}) |
INPOLYGON(point, polygonPoints) |
Is In Polygon (geofence) |
Returns a true/false answer on whether the given geo-point is within the given polygon. Polygon values must be pipe-seperated string of geo-points. e.g. INPOLYGON({{myGpsVal}}, ‘-8.6782523 27.2918257|-8.6672229 28.7094422|-7.6447228 29.3849982’) |