* | Multiply | Math |
+ | Add | Math |
- | Subtract | Math |
< | Less Than | Logic |
ACOS(val) | Arccosine | Advanced Math |
ASIN(val) | Arcsine | Advanced Math |
ATAN(val) | Arctangent | Advanced Math |
BOOLEAN(val) | To Boolean | Data Conversion |
COS(val) | Cosine | Advanced Math |
COSH(val) | Hyperbolic Cosine | Advanced Math |
DATE(val) | To Date | Data Conversion |
DEGREES(angle) | Converts radians to degrees Degrees | Advanced Math |
IMGURL(imgfieldname) | To Image URL | Data Conversion |
INT(val) | To Integer | Data Conversion |
LOG(val,base) | Logarithm | Advanced Math |
NUMBER(val) | To Number | Data Conversion |
PI() | Pi | Advanced Math |
RADIANS(angle) | Converts degrees to radians Radians | Advanced Math |
SIN(val) | Sine | Advanced Math |
SINH(val) | Hyperbolic Sine | Advanced Math |
SQRT(val) | Square Root | Advanced Math |
STRING(val) | To String | Data Conversion |
TAN(val) | Tangent | Advanced Math |
TANH(val) | Hyperbolic Tangent | Advanced Math |
COUNTER(padwidth) | Simple counter that increments by 1 | Contextual |
. | Current Answer | Contextual |
GLOBALVAL('keyname') | Global Value for the specified key name | Contextual |
NOW() | Current Date & Time | Contextual |
ORGNAME() | Organisation Name | Contextual |
PARAM1() | The value passed into the Form | Contextual |
TODAY() | Current Date | Contextual |
USEREMAIL() | User's Email Address | Contextual |
USEREXTERNALID() | User's External Id | Contextual |
USERFIRSTNAME() | User's First Name | Contextual |
USERLASTNAME() | User's Last Name | Contextual |
UTCNOW() | Current UTC (GMT) Date & Time | Contextual |
UTCTODAY() | Current UTC (GMT) Date | Contextual |
FORMAT-DATE(val,format) | Format Date/Time To String | Data Conversion |
FORMAT-NUM(val,format) | Format Number To String | Data Conversion |
ROUND(val,places) | Rounds a 'val' to the number of 'places' | Math |
RANDOM(length) | Generates a random number or string | Math |
= | Equal To | Logic |
> | Greater Than | Logic |
ACCRINT(issue,firstInterest,settlement,rate,par,frequency,basis,calcMethod) | ACCRINT | Excel Financial Functions |
ACCRINTM(issue,settlement,rate,par,basis) | ACCRINTM | Excel Financial Functions |
AMORDEGRC(cost,datePurchased,firstPeriod,salvage,period,rate,basis) | AMORDEGRC | Excel Financial Functions |
AMORLINC(cost,datePurchased,firstPeriod,salvage,period,rate,basis) | AMORLINC | Excel Financial Functions |
AND | And | Logic |
CBOX(val,matchTo) | To CheckBox (Ticked or Crossed) | Data Conversion |
CBOXB(val,matchTo) | To CheckBox (Ticked or Blank) | Data Conversion |
CEILING(val) | Returns the smallest integer value that is greater than or equal to the specified number | Math |
COALESCE(val1,val2) | First Non-Empty Value (coalesce) | Logic |
CONCAT(val1,val2,val3) | Concatenate | Text |
COUNT(val) | Count Values | Repeats |
COUNT-SELECTED(val) | Count Selected Choices | Choices |
COUPDAYBS(settlement,maturity,frequency,basis) | COUPDAYBS | Excel Financial Functions |
COUPDAYS(settlement,maturity,frequency,basis) | COUPDAYS | Excel Financial Functions |
COUPDAYSNC(settlement,maturity,frequency,basis) | COUPDAYSNC | Excel Financial Functions |
COUPNCD(settlement,maturity,frequency,basis) | COUPNCD | Excel Financial Functions |
COUPNUM(settlement,maturity,frequency,basis) | COUPNUM | Excel Financial Functions |
COUPPCD(settlement,maturity,frequency,basis) | COUPPCD | Excel Financial Functions |
CUMIPMT(rate,nper,pv,startPeriod,endPeriod,typ) | CUMIPMT | Excel Financial Functions |
CUMPRINC(rate,nper,pv,startPeriod,endPeriod,typ) | CUMPRINC | Excel Financial Functions |
DATEADD(startdate,numberunits,unit) | Add To Date | Date/Time |
DATEDIFF(startdate,enddate,unit) | Difference Between Dates | Date/Time |
DAY(dateval) | Returns the Day | Date/Time |
DAYWEEK(dateval) | Returns the Day of the week | Date/Time |
DAYYEAR(dateval) | Returns the Day of the year | Date/Time |
DB(cost,salvage,life,period,month) | DB | Excel Financial Functions |
DDB(cost,salvage,life,period,factor) | DDB | Excel Financial Functions |
DISC(settlement,maturity,pr,redemption,basis) | DISC | Excel Financial Functions |
DIV | Divide | Math |
DOLLARDE(fractionalDollar,fraction) | DOLLARDE | Excel Financial Functions |
DOLLARFR(decimalDollar,fraction) | DOLLARFR | Excel Financial Functions |
DURATION(settlement,maturity,coupon,yld,frequency,basis) | DURATION | Excel Financial Functions |
EFFECT(nominalRate,npery) | EFFECT | Excel Financial Functions |
FALSE() | False | Logic |
FLOOR(val) | Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified number | Math |
FV(rate,nper,pmt,pv,typ) | FV | Excel Financial Functions |
FVSCHEDULE(principal,schedule) | FVSCHEDULE | Excel Financial Functions |
GUID() | Globally Unique Identifier | Text |
HOUR(dateval) | Returns theHour | Date/Time |
IF(condition,'true val','false val') | Conditional (if/else) | Logic |
INPOLYGON(point,polygonPoints) | Whether the given geo-point is within the given polygon | Location |
INTRATE(settlement,maturity,investment,redemption,basis) | INTRATE | Excel Financial Functions |
IPMT(rate,per,nper,pv,fv,typ) | IPMT | Excel Financial Functions |
IRR(values,guess) | IRR | Excel Financial Functions |
ISBLANK(val) | Is Blank or Empty | Logic |
ISPMT(rate,per,nper,pv) | ISPMT | Excel Financial Functions |
JOIN('separator',val1,val2) | Concatenate Values With Seperator | Repeats |
JOIN('separator',val1,val2) | Concatenate With Seperator | Text |
KMBETWEEN(startPoint,endPoint) | Kilometres Between | Location |
LAT(gpsval) | Returns the latitude in decimal degrees | Location |
LON(gpsval) | Returns the longitude in decimal degrees | Location |
LOWER(val) | Lower Case | Text |
MAX(val1,val2) | Returns the larger of two numbers | Math |
MAX(val) | Maximum Value | Repeats |
MDURATION(settlement,maturity,coupon,yld,frequency,basis) | MDURATION | Excel Financial Functions |
MIBETWEEN(startPoint,endPoint) | Miles Between | Location |
MIN(val1,val2) | Returns the smaller of two numbers | Math |
MIN(val) | Minimum Value | Repeats |
MIRR(values,financeRate,reinvestRate) | MIRR | Excel Financial Functions |
MOD | Modulo | Math |
MONTH(dateval) | Returns the Month | Date/Time |
NOMINAL(effectRate,npery) | NOMINAL | Excel Financial Functions |
NOT(val) | Not | Logic |
NOTBLANK(val) | NOT Blank or Empty | Logic |
NPER(rate,pmt,pv,fv,typ) | NPER | Excel Financial Functions |
NPV(rate,values) | NPV | Excel Financial Functions |
OR | Or | Logic |
PMT(rate,nper,pv,fv,typ) | PMT | Excel Financial Functions |
POSITION(repeatdataname) | Repeat Position | Repeats |
POW(val,power) | Power | Math |
PPMT(rate,per,nper,pv,fv,typ) | PPMT | Excel Financial Functions |
PRICE(settlement,maturity,rate,yld,redemption,frequency,basis) | PRICE | Excel Financial Functions |
PRICEDISC(settlement,maturity,discount,redemption,basis) | PRICEDISC | Excel Financial Functions |
PRICEMAT(settlement,maturity,issue,rate,yld,basis) | PRICEMAT | Excel Financial Functions |
PV(rate,nper,pmt,fv,typ) | PV | Excel Financial Functions |
RANDOMSTR(length) | Generates a random string | Text |
RATE(nper,pmt,pv,fv,typ,guess) | RATE | Excel Financial Functions |
RECEIVED(settlement,maturity,investment,discount,basis) | RATE | Excel Financial Functions |
REGEX(input,pattern) | Regular Expression Match | Logic |
SECOND(dateval) | Returns the Second | Date/Time |
SELECTED(val,'val') | Choice Is Selected | Choices |
SLN(cost,salvage,life) | SLN | Excel Financial Functions |
STEP-EMAIL('dataname') | Step User's Email | Process Steps |
STEP-FIRSTNAME('dataname') | Step User First Name | Process Steps |
STEP-ISCURRENT('dataname') | Is Current Step | Process Steps |
STEP-LASTNAME('dataname') | Step User Last Name | Process Steps |
STEP-RESULT('dataname') | Returns the result of the named Process Step field | Process Steps |
STRING-LENGTH(val) | Length | Text |
SUBSTITUTE(val,old_text,new_text) | Substitute | Text |
SUBSTR(val,startIndex,lengthOptional) | Substring | Text |
SUM(val) | Sum Values | Repeats |
SYD(cost,salvage,life,per) | SYD | Excel Financial Functions |
TBILLEQ(settlement,maturity,discount) | TBILLEQ | Excel Financial Functions |
TBILLPRICE(settlement,maturity,discount) | TBILLPRICE | Excel Financial Functions |
TBILLYIELD(settlement,maturity,pr) | TBILLYIELD | Excel Financial Functions |
TRUE() | True | Logic |
TRUNC(val) | Truncates given number value to an integer | Math |
UPPER(val) | Upper Case | Text |
VDB(cost,salvage,life,startPeriod,endPeriod,factor) | VDB | Excel Financial Functions |
XIRR(values,dates,guess) | XIRR | Excel Financial Functions |
XNPV(rate,values,dates) | XIRR | Excel Financial Functions |
YEAR(dateval) | Returns the Year | Date/Time |
YIELD(settlement,maturity,rate,pr,redemption,frequency,basis) | YIELD | Excel Financial Functions |
YIELDDISC(settlement,maturity,pr,redemption,basis) | YIELDDISC | Excel Financial Functions |
YIELDMAT(settlement,maturity,issue,rate,pr,basis) | YIELDMAT | Excel Financial Functions |
{{ [DataName] }} | Data NameReturns the result of the given Data Name of the form field | Templates |
{{!HIDEIFEND}} | Must include when using HIDEIFSTART | Templates |
{{!HIDEIFSTART( [True/False] )}} | Hides a section dependent on the result | Templates |
{{!HIDEROWIF( [True/False] )}} | Hides a row dependent on the result | Templates |
{{!REPEATEND}} | Inserted at the end of a section | Templates |
{{!REPEATROW|[val]}} | Inserted at the beginning of a row | Templates |
{{!REPEATROW}} | Inserted at the beginning of a row | Templates |
{{!REPEATSTART}} | Inserted at the beginning of a section | Templates |
{{%COMPLETELAT}} | Inserts the GPS latitude | Templates |
{{%COMPLETELON}} | Inserts the GPS longitude | Templates |
{{%COMPLETEMAP}} | Inserts a map image for the GPS co-ordinates | Templates |
{{%COMPLETETIME}} | Inserts the date and time | Templates |
{{%ENTRYGUID}} | Inserts the unique identifier string of this entry | Templates |
{{%ENTRYID}} | Inserts the integer number of this entry | Templates |
{{%ORGLETTERHEAD}} | Inserts your organisation letterhead image | Templates |
{{%ORGNAME}} | Inserts the name of your organisation | Templates |
{{%STARTTIME}} | Inserts the date and time that the user | Templates |
{{%USEREMAIL}} | Inserts the email address of the user | Templates |
{{%USEREXTERNALID}} | Inserts the external Id of the user | Templates |
{{%USERFIRSTNAME}} | Inserts the first name of the user | Templates |
{{%USERLASTNAME}} | Inserts the last name of the user | Templates |
{{CBOX(val,matchTo)}} | To CheckBox (Ticked or Crossed) | Templates |
{{CBOXB(val,matchTo)}} | To CheckBox (Ticked or Blank) | Templates |