Every Form entry includes a number of built-in data fields that are available for use in your Word/Excel templates as well.
These built-in values are easily inserted into your template by using the {{%BUILTIN_NAME}} placeholder syntax.
The built-ins available are as follows:
Inserts the unique number of this entry. The number is unique by Form code.
Inserts the first name of the App User that completed the Form
Inserts the last name of the App User that completed the Form
Inserts the email address of the App User that completed the Form
Inserts the date and time that the App User started the Form entry
Inserts the date and time that the App User completed the Form entry
Inserts the GPS latitude (in decimal degrees) of the App User when completing the entry
Inserts the GPS longitude (in decimal degrees) of the App User when completing the entry
Inserts a map image for the GPS co-ordinates of the App User when completing the entry.